
Nothing is known as “perfect”, Albert Einstein once said. And although we try hard to make BetrSign® as perfect as possible, we’re only human and Albert tends to be right.

If you need additional info or have an issue check the FAQs below or smack that support button.


Frequently asked questions

Are documents signed with BetrSign compliant with legislation?

BetrSign is compliant with the requirements of European eIDAS, GDPR, national regulations, and laws. The evidence of a person’s connection to an e-signature and documents is provided by a securely stored audit trail which holds the history of the entire signing procedure.

Is BetrSign secure?

We are one of the leading providers of secure digital transaction management services, listed on the European list of qualified trust services providers.

BetrSign is compliant with the most demanding security standards (ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 27018:2014) and meets all the requirements of the European eIDAS regulation, the implementing acts of the European Parliament and Council, and the ETSI-specific standards for e-business.

Which personal qualified digital certificates for e-signing does BetrSign support?

BetrSign enables electronic signing of documents with personal qualified digital certificates that are issued in accordance with the X.509 standard and use RSA or ECC cryptographic algorithms.

We support the following types of personal digital certificates:

  • certificates created on cryptographic devices (QSCD), such as smart cards, USB keys, and electronic personal IDs,
  • web digital certificates installed in the browser or digital certificates,
  • or stored in the cloud (currently Halcom One, SI-PASS, E-Potpis FINA)

With personal qualified digital certificates provided by trust service providers from the EU Trusted List, BetrSign creates an electronic signature compliant with the eIDAS Regulation.

From service providers not on the EU Trusted List, we currently support personal digital certificates from Serbian providers, and in the future, we will also support service providers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and North Macedonia. By agreement with the client, we can also support signing with other trust service providers or with other types of digital certificates. 

Can I sign a document with a personal qualified digital certificate from the cloud infrastructure of a qualified digital trust services provider?

BetrSign currently supports the following personal qualified digital certificates stored in the cloud:

  • OneSign (Halcom, Slovenia),
  • SI-PASS (Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia), and
  • E-Potpis (FINA, Croatia)
How do I start using BetrSign?

Choose the appropriate plan, the usage period, and the number of users. After submitting your order you will get an email with instructions for payment and service activation. Then you will receive a SETCCE electronic identity confirmation link. You will need it for logging into the portal and e-signing.

Do I need a qualified digital certificate to e-sign a document?

For secure and legally compliant e-signing, you do not need a qualified digital certificate. The BetrSign service offers various e-signing methods, including:

  • using the qualified digital seal of the BetrSign service provider, where the signer does not need any technical means,
  • using the qualified digital seal of your company, where the signer also does not require any technical means,
  • the option of using the signer's personal qualified digital certificate stored on a local secure device (e.g., smart card or key),
  • the option of using the signer's personal qualified digital certificate stored in the cloud of a trusted service provider.

This ensures flexibility in choosing the e-signing method that best suits your needs and requirements, without the necessity of having a qualified digital certificate. ooo

Can documents that have been signed by our employees and our customers who don’t have a qualified digital certificate, be signed with our company’s qualified digital seal?

Your employees and customers can e-sign documents with your company’s qualified digital seal. The documents will include a visualization with the signer’s first and last name, the time of signing, and information that the document has been digitally signed.

Why is a higher level of login security required for using the portal?

As users can send documents (with sensitive content) for remote signing on behalf of the company, BetrSign allows for a higher level of security or two-factor authentication (username/password and OTP).

How can a customer sign a document, and do they have to pay for it?

Your customers can sign your documents completely free of charge. All they have to do is create a SETCCE eID by clicking the document link received by email, log in and sign the document.

The e-signing methods are:

  • the BetrSign qualified digital seal (the signer does not need any technical assets),
  • your company’s qualified digital seal (the signer does not need any technical assets),
  • the signer’s qualified digital certificate stored on a secure local medium, and
  • the signer’s qualified digital certificate stored in the cloud of a qualified digital trust services provider.
Is it possible to include our graphical branding elements in email messages?

With BetrSign you can tailor all your messages, such as a request to e-sign a document and receipt of signed documents, to your brand by using your corporate colors and logo.

Which document formats can I use for e-signing?

BetrSign lets you send PDF and PDF/A files and DOC and DOCX documents if you use an MS Word Add-In.

I created a document in MS Word, do I have to convert it to one of the supported formats or can I send Word documents for remote e-signing?

With a certain BetrSign service plan, you get a special plugin that lets you prepare a single document, specify the signing workflow, signers, signing method, and messages to signers in Word.

Can I send a document with different login methods for the signer?

BetrSign lets you choose different login methods according to a document’s level of confidentiality and the sensitivity of the business process.

How do I send a document for e-signing to the customer?

After you log in to the portal you’ll take the following four steps:

  • upload your document(s),
  • select the signers, login and signing methods,
  • choose the perfect place for signatures on your document, and
  • send your document to the signers.
Can I check the status of a document that I have sent to signers and get an insight into the history of all signed documents?

You can check the document status in the BetrSign Portal Inbox — if the signer hasn’t signed the document yet, you can re-send it along with a notification with a prompt to sign.

Can documents be sent for remote e-signing to our customers or partners abroad?

You can send your documents for signing to your partners abroad as well, as the BetrSign service is internationally recognized and available in different languages. It is used by more than 1.034.440 users in 15 countries.

When and where do I receive the e-signed document?

When documents are signed by all signers, you and the signers will receive them in your mailboxes.

Are there any other methods of distributing e-signed documents?

Signed documents are immediately ready for further processing in your backend business information systems. BetrSign can use the secure SFTP protocol to forward signed documents to a pre-set depository or directly email them to recipients.

Additional info

In case you need additional info about BetrSign, you can always call or write:

+386 590 74 660

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